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发布时间:09月25日 浏览量: 来源:绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室

2019年9月23日下午16:30,应kaiyun开云官方网站邀请,东京大学尚睿博士访问公司,并在化学馆321报告厅做了题为“C-H Activation by Iron, Materials for Solar Cell, and New Concept in Photocatalysis”的学术报告。此次报告由kaiyun开云官方网站余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、Jason Chruma教授、曾小明教授、王天利教授、董顺喜教授和付海燕教授等老师及员工参加了此次报告。



Dr. Rui Shang received his B.Sc. (2009), M.S. (2011) and Ph.D. (2014) all from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) with Prof. Qingxiang Guo, Prof. Lei Liu and Prof. Yao Fu. He worked on developing new catalytic decarboxylative coupling reactions. During 2012 to 2014, he worked as a joint-training PhD in The University of Tokyo under the supervision of Prof. Eiichi Nakamura, and then served as a JSPS fellowship researcher hosted by Prof. Eiichi Nakamura at the same institute (2014-2016) focusing on iron-catalysis. In 2016, he was promoted to project lecture at the chemistry department of The University of Tokyo.

His research interests focused on development and mechanistic study of new catalytic reactions, and organic photovoltaic materials. He received the Hundred Excellent Doctor Thesis of the Chinese Academy of Science from the Chinese Academy of Science in 2015, and the Springer Doctoral Thesis Prize in 2016.